
Showing posts from May, 2019

Indian Education system :(

Read till end especially if you are a student   The Indian education system wants its students to just continue the practice of rote learning and mugging up answers. They expect the students to just stuff all the possible theorems, tables, rules, definitions, exceptions, etc. The Indian education system is basically testing our memory and not our knowledge. This practice of mugging up and rote learning is going  on since the British  rule in India. Its a sad thing that we are still following the old 18th century method of learning. The text-books that we are using are mostly not up to date. They still have their old information in it. Whats the point of learning the old information which is of no use.  India is a country where the government will change the name of a place, a road or be it a railway station within a week. On the contrary if there are any mistakes in the text books they are least bothered. The GDP rate of India as per 2018 was around 7% -...