The word succes s means the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. That's what google showed me when I asked my google assistant " what is success? " Although I had an answer for that question and that too from google which most of the people rely on, I wasn't satisfied with it. My brain wasn't ready to accept that as an answer, because that was an answer from google about what is success for google. My answer would be different. Not only me but each and every individual will come up with different answer on their success. Even a child who has learnt how to walk will have a completely different story about how he/she started to walk. His/Her story about it will be his/her success story about how he/she started to walk. Well there is no success like failure. Whenever I have failed in life whatever it maybe. I have never been demotivated by it. Instead I have always learnt from my past and my failures, which has always helped me gain success. ...